Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thursday, Nov 12

Here's a little update for the blog to let everyone know how Taylor's doing.....

Tuesday, Taylor woke up with a temp of 102.4 and she sounded terrible. I took her to her pediatrician and they sent her to Onslow Memorial Hospital to get blood and urine cultures, as well as, chest x-rays and an RSV test. Everything came back normal and the doctor felt like Taylor had a viral infection. At first he said he thought Taylor had the flu, but when we checked out the nurse said she had Bronchiolitis. So, I'm really not 100% sure what she has. They gave her a shot of rocephin to kill any bacteria infection that she might have. The last two nights Taylor has slept great (with the help of a little oxygen). It is obvious that Taylor has A LOT of congestion that requires breathing treatments to break up the gunk and needs closer monitoring. Hopefully, in a few days she will look and sound a TON better.

I am also very happy to report that Taylor has been doing a fabulous job finding her voice. She's yelling, crying, and cooing at us. It is beautiful music to our ears!!! She is also SMILING without being prompted by a seizure. Before she would only smile after a seizure. She is also turning her head towards the right and making more eye contact. Yesterday, I came in the room and said, "Hey Taylor" and she turned towards me and smiled such a big girl smile. I know in my heart, she heard, saw, and understood that was mommy talking to her.....

We are so thankful for our small blessings! ~


God Bless


Misty Jarman said...

Amen...our prayers are continuing to be answered!

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Way to Go Taylor! You are such a fighter! We love you so much! Evans and Angela