Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday, Feb 2

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Not a whole lot to report, but here is a quick update.

Jeff spent the weekend at the hospital with Taylor and Tammy was able to come home and see the boys. Now that Taylor is in Pediatrics either Jeff or Tammy will be staying in the room with her. She has slept through the night the past 3 nights, so that will allow for Jeff and Tammy to be able to get some sleep too.

They performed another echocardiogram this morning and the doctor said it looks like her heart is pumping blood much harder, which is great news. He still needed to take measurements to determine if the size has decreased at all.

Taylor reached her target goal yesterday of being able to take her feeding for 30 minutes straight. Duke will only take her if she can do this for 2 days in a row. So if she can continue to do it today she will be cleared to go to Duke University Hospital for the gastrointestinal tube. So we still don’t know when that surgery will be scheduled.

That’s all I have for now. Everyone sure appreciates all the kind thoughts and prayers that Taylor and family continue to receive. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Yay for Taylor sleeping and yay for her eating 30 minutes! Isn't she amazing! Isn't God amazing! Thinking of you all...
The Buckley Family

Anonymous said...

Wow! I was just looking at the pics from jan. 20 and it is amazing how far she has come in just a few weeks! I know there are tough moments, so just breathe through those. You don't have to be strong or perfect, just breathe! I will tell you what got me through those long hours when you are exhausted and wide awake at 2 am and the only companion is the machine noise and the rustle of nurse's at the station in the hall. When you want so desperately to have someone wrap their arms around you and let you scream but then you feel ashamed for your anger. What delivered God's peace and comfort to me in those weak hours was K-LOVE. You can go to and stream music free and live. They also have a wonderful prayer team as well. If you can't stream from the hospital, I will burn you some CD's you can listen to. Keep that type of music flowing in her room, for her sake and yours. We are praying for you, ALL of you. As permanent as this situation seems, it is temporary. You WILL get your life back!Just keep reminding yourselves of that. It may not be the one you had, but it is the one you and Taylor have been designed for by the designer of the Universe!
Blessings...The Oates Family

Anonymous said...

Just sending a BIG HUG your way! I know the days are long. Taylor has a hard job but usually the hardest job is for the family. WAITING is excrutiating. Like Tim said it is "practicing" medicine...there is a lot of doing and then a lot of hurry up and wait. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you all. Wish we could do more but we know that we are doing is helping just the same. Love you guys! Keep your heads up and make sure you get a little fresh air every day! GOD BLESS!!! Aunt Kelly, Uncle Phil, Amber & Carly